Active Offender Training


Real-life workplace emergency courses, delivered by real-life, New Zealand Emergency Managers.


What are you going to do? Drawn from real world experience and training, this workshop aims to equip you with real skills and knowledge to drop in your toolbox-of-life. This is not about the Police response. They will come. This is about the precious time in betweenWhat are you going to do? Public spaces & events, schools, tertiary campuses, public transport, the mall, places of worship, individuals & groups. The list of potential targets is endless. From critical incidents like armed offenders, to aggressive and disgruntled members of the public. How you respond may prevent harm to you and others. It may even save your life.

The workshop covers topics like modern history; current events; offender profiles; conflict management; relevant aspects of NZ Law; body function when stressed; responding when in the classroom, open spaces and the workplace. Evacuation vs Lockdown vs Active Armed Offender alerts – know the difference. Ultimately, you will gain knowledge, understanding and learn response options in an active armed offender event.

Group size of 12 – 20 – onsite, at your workplace. $120+gst per person.

3 Hour workshop -0900 – 1200hrs / 1300 – 1600hrs

Please enquire for available dates.

Book your Active Offender Training today.


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